its october now. what do we do in october? we blog every single day. frank james thinks its time to meet everyone.

meet heather.
heather is the manager of the bellingham frank james.
heather likes to attack people with hugs, love, encouraging words and pinot noir.
meet vanessa.
vanessa works pt at the bellingham frank james.
vanessa attends WWU...she has like six minors.
vanessa is really tall too.
meet maxwell (on the left)
maxwell works pt at bellingham frank as well.
maxwell is in a rap group.
maxwells rap group is called 'milltops finest'
meet victoria.
victoria owns half of frank james portland.
victoria puts the cray in cray cray.
if cornered, victoria will cut your face.
meet alison.
alison owns bellingham fj and half of pdx fj.
alison will one day serve 10-life.
buyer beware, alison tends to get nasty.