This friday, exactly 3 months to the date, we are celebrating a couple things.
1. we've managed to stay open for 3 months in this shit hole economy. does that sound bad?
2. a 2nd location in an amazing city
the guest list
as many of you know, the grand opening is next friday. we've been planning this party since we won prom court.
we're going to do series of our most anticipated special guests for the event.
guest list series::part one
ty mcbride

coming soon to a store near you
straight outta EASTERN OREGON...NYC resident....
our secret weapon
most trusted confiDONT
if you do not know him you must
anticipated guest #1::TY MCBRIDE
We have been OBSESSED with Dear Creatures from the moment we saw the line. The cut, the fabric...and the great price is kinda scary.
edie romper 185.00
madeline dress recently featured in BUST magazine
Artist Cameron Jennings always comes first. Especially this Friday. Meet Cameron now.
Bellingham Artist and Frank James favorite shows
his newest works at FJ PDX location this
his newest works at FJ PDX location this
We are honored to be displaying the works of Cameron Jennings for this December's FIRST FRIDAY. Jenning's who also contributes to our site, logo work, and in general, our graphix needs is also one of our favorite artists. We asked our A-gay to interview Cameron via G-chat earlier last month. It is also rumoured that our blogger-de-fagitus also may or may not have made out with this months featured artist in a hotel room in Vegas circa 2003.
Please read on for the Q&A between Jennings and McBride--and then join us as we proudly display his work this Friday.

AGE: 25
AGE: 25
CJ: Freelance graphic designer.
TMC: What is the main focus of the group of work you will be showing at FJ?
CJ: I am not fully aware of any "meaning" when I start working, but things start to make more sense as the process goes along. This is the first group of paintings I've done using the xylene transfer method, so a lot of it was playing around with the limitations of that process: choosing images that transfer well, etc. I spent a lot of time in thrift stores, antique shops, looking through books to find good images.
TMC: What is your main inspiration as an artist?
CJ: I get really excited when I see art that I like and I suppose that is my biggest inspiration: just trying to make things that I like. That's pretty vague. I get inspired just by being out and looking around. I like to do new things, and work with a lot of mediums. I always have tons of projects going on, so the times I am most inspired are when I find some new process or some new way of working. I like finding a process that keeps me inspired.
TMC: Who are you dying to fuck?
CJ: Hmmmm.
Who is your Current celebrity crush?
CJ: Rachel McAdams. Vera Farmiga. Angela Lindvall.
TMC: Since you are showing in a fashion boutique--what trend to you hate the most?
CJ: I hate how every fucking girl looks the same. There are like seven blonde girls I see all the time with bangs and huge glasses and I literally cannot thell them apart. The only reason I know they are different people is becasue sometimes they are all hanging out out together. So, maybe, I just miss girls wearing jeans and t-shirts and not being weird fashion drones. The whole Apple cultural marketing campaign makes me so mad. Maybe that's the biggest thing. Everyone wants a fucking Macbook and an Ipod. It's insane. Steve Jobs is a facist.
TMC: Along those lines, but with less social commentary, what would you say is your personal style?
CJ: I wear the same clothes everyday. Living in Bellingham makes it very easy to become lazy about fashion.
TMC: Well, Cameron, send us out with your favorite quote.
CJ: "I always have a good reason for taking something out [of a painting] but I never have one for putting something in. And I don't want to, becasue that means that the picture is being painted predigested."---------------Robert Rauschenberg on art.

Many people Nation....err, make that World Wide on Sunday morning were shocked to peel open the riveting pages of the Bellingham Herald to discover a rash of burglaries had happened along the quaint business lined Railroad Ave. The Police Report read as follows:
"Five local businesses along the 200 block of East Holly Street were broken into and burglarized late Sunday night. The owner of LOCUST (our neighbor!!) discovered the burglaries upon opening his boutique Sunday morning at 11:00am.
The victim business' are identified as, DESIGN LAB, CALYPSO SALON, Le Rednevous, and Frank James. All Located in the Gateway Center attached to Bob's Burger and Brew. Police are reviewing video in an attempt to identify two suspects described as white males in their early 20's wearing dark hooded sweatshirts. (If you haven't been to Bellingham this literally describes nearly 79% of the poplulation, including women.)
Alison Hawley Dahlgren, Frank James Bellingham Owner was in PDX at the time of the thefts but arrived to find the Bellingham Store rand sacked, and with much of her inventory gone. Hawley, a graduate of Meridian High and local business owner said:
"Thanks a lot---the largest shopping day is just days away---that should be good with no merchandise." She turned back to her tiny, nearly empty shop and sipped her sugar free redbull.
The distraught business owner then bent down and picked up an oversized beaded lariat--putting it around her own neck...and then said..."Well, lets put it back together." With her diligent staff and heart of gold Alison put her tiny shop, what was left of it, back together and prepared to get back to business.
One of the two "bandits" responsible for terrorizing these local businesses is already behind bars. Bellingham Police department are working tirelessly to return the stolen goods to all stores---in an attempt to help them recoup lost sales on Black Friday. I again caught up with Alison Hawley to get her thoughts on the evnets:
"I'm most likely going to go to drinks later at CAPS to celebrate, I don't have the merchandise back yet---but I do have a link to the guys myspace who has been arrested. I will be posting that shortly! I invite everyone to come to Frank James on FRIDAY for a giant sale which will not only celebrate the holidays, but also JUSTICE, AMERICA, and the BELLINGHAM POLICE FORCE."

Sometimes, you sit at home after work and you stare at your Netflix. The red envelope is stacked with your other mail, bills, you may have a beer in your hand. You sit and you think, "This is not that bad. I am pretty happy." Around 8:30 pm you order take-out and your movie is 3/4 of the way finished. You think, "I could go out, but I don't have to...I'm happy here." 9:45pm rolls around, and at this point you are like, "I shouldn't spend the money on drinking, then I'll want a slice, then I'll take a cab home to SE or go home with some blurry stranger." You whisper, "Yeah. I should stay in," you sigh and breath out..."warm here." You pull your duvet up around your neck--pretending to be cozy, pretending to care about Kate Winslet as she plays the role of the confused and torn female in a film which you don't even remember putting in your que. At 10:30pm you have just sent out four texts that all read..."Where R U, There in 20." Socks slide on easy as your heart races. You, again, feel alive as dark jeans slide over your hips, fastening quickly. Layers, a sweater and a jacket pile on top of themselves. You. Are. Going. Out.
So--mark your calendar now for the FRANK JAMES PDX Grand Opening. With several months under our belts, lots of new clients, an amazing economy, some great new friends, a small group of frien-emies and a slew of fun events going on before New Years--we ask you to swing by our E. Burnside shop December 12th for our GRAND OPENING. Slide a little Frank James visit in between holiday parties, I mean, who couldn't use a free drink on the way to his/her work party?
Expect storewide discounts, FJ Fashion Show, Holiday Cheer, Free Beer from our sponsor PBR, hot tracks from DJ HOSTILE TAPEOVER , special in-store gifts with purchase and many, many dare I say MANY celebrity cameos planned throughout the evening. Shopping. Sexxy. Sipping. Socializing and scandalizing all promised at the Frank James Grand Opening.
Grand Opening Celebration
DEC. 12th
Doors 7pm
Fashion Show 8:30pm
All Are Welcome.
Bring Only Your Cutest Friends.
Frank James is Warm
We might not be warm in a personal sense (Vicky beat someone up yesterday for no apparent reason) but we are definitely warm in terms of temperature. The store's heat is controlled by an anthropomorphic basement furness not unlike the one in Home Alone - and, like Macaully Culkin, we are terrified of it! So basically we have decided to let it do it's thang and just be warm all the time - which we are totally fine with cuz we were freezing this morning! So if you're cold, Frank James is here to warm you up - and if Vicky's working maybe beat you up too.

hot in herre

we love cameron jennings
our graphic designer, cameron jennings, hates us.
he gets mad when we call him and say.."hey cam, i needed this yesterday!" or when we're like..."hey cam, i need my child support!"
the other day, we were like....hey cam..wanna put together a new cute flyer for our GRAND OPENING ON DECEMBER 12TH?!
this is what he sent us....
he gets mad when we call him and say.."hey cam, i needed this yesterday!" or when we're like..."hey cam, i need my child support!"
the other day, we were like....hey cam..wanna put together a new cute flyer for our GRAND OPENING ON DECEMBER 12TH?!
this is what he sent us....

Yes Oh Yes @ Frank James PDX

what: seattle/bellingham band yes oh yes
where: frank james 729 e. burnside #103
when: 7pm
why: b/c we didn't have any plans for sat.
another satisfied frank james customer.

Frank James is proud to carry the La Merde collection in Portland and has been very happy with the success of the selling. We look forward to spring....and to this juicy interview.
+Below Q&A Between between Ty McBride for Frank James and Erik Powell of La merde
+All images submitted by La Merde.
TMC: Hello, Erik, it's nice to speak with you...I was trying to remember the first time we met. It's hard to forget--because you are in fact an actual giant. It seems like its been nearly 7 years ago now. I met you at the POOL show at the LA Standard? Right?
EP/LM: Yes I am very tall.
(phone line goes silent for a little too long.)
TMC: Well, let's get right to it then. Who is the brains and brawn behind La Merde?
EP/LM: Erik Prowell and Josh Hindson are both the B&B behind the collection.
TMC: With years of success under your belts as screen-T jokesters how has the foray into cut and sew treated you. (www.nostarclothing.com)
EP/LM: It has definitely been a challenge entering into a new market. At the same time, we've been able to apply many of the lessons we learned when we started the te company. The best part isthe reaction we've gotten from some of the buyers and even some friends when they first saw the line. They were surprised we had any fashion design skills. To be honest....we were a little surprised too. We've also learned to never take ourselves too seriously, hence the moniker La Merde.
TMC: I am dying to know...who is La Merde dying to fuck?
EP/LM: We'll pretty much sleep with anyone. Well, josh won't. He's married and just had a kid. It would have to be someone really special.
TMC: How does one become La Merde/The Shit?
EP/LM: There is no "one way" to do it. We recommend people look with to find that way.
TMC: Who does La Merde think is hotter Lauren Conrad or Yves St. Laurent?
EP/LM: ....come on...(then submitted above picture)
TMC: What is La Merde's secret favorite jem about PDX?
EP/LM: After hour parties at Frank James and Lo Mein at the karaoke place down the street.
TMC: Does La Merde go all the way on the first date?
EP/LM: We never settle for second base.
TMC: Will La Merde ever do a line for women...La Merdette? La Petite Merde?
EP/LM: Expect something for women Fall 2010.
"I love deadlines. I like thw whooshing sound they make as they fly by." Douglas Adams
(how many shakes is considered too many?)

For the November First Friday, we cornered Seattle artist Jess Wamre to show at our East Burnside location. Wamre will display a dozen of his current works including photographs and an installation. 26 years old and resident of Seattle spent much of his years growing up, living and schooling around the PAC NW. In attempt to get to know him better we set up an interview with our head gay in NYC---the correspondence is below.
Please welcome Jess, and join us for 10% off storewide--and 30% off selected merchandise. Complimentary beverages to be served and extended store hours until 10pm--or until we head out for sparks.
+Below image supplied by Wamre.
+Below Text/interview by Ty McBride (www.myspace.com/Ty_McBride) with Wamre via gmail.
NAME: Jess Robert Wamre
AGE: 26
TMC: Jess what would you say is the main inspiration/focus of your work?
JRW: "The main inspiration for my work comes from the juxtaposition between two important things: life and death. I have struggled with a real understanding of what those two thins are and I have found I have a real liking for both. Whether it's a photo of a cancer patient smoking a cigarette, or an un-potted plant, the comparison is st still there, and it is comforting. At least, I find, it is supposed to be comforting Its amazing just how unfomfortable you can get trying to create a s ense of real comfort from real life situations."
TMC: When I google image searched your name the only things that came up were a Yugoslavian gay porn and a picture of chest hair---care to elaborate?
JRW: "I have my own fantasies of doing Yugoslavian fisting porn. The chest hair in inexplainable. It was probably a close up of me when I was young. I have had chest hair since I was 11."
TMC: How long have you been showing your work--and is this your first show in PDX?
JRW: "I have shown at one other place in Portland, FRINGE VINTAGE. A close friend of mine owns the shoppe. It's beautiful there and it was great to be able to show my work in a place with such amazing garments that were retail items in the 50's. It all worked really well and I am glad I had that opportunity to show there."
TMC: If you could be sandwiched between any two items what would they bey and why?
JRW: "If I were to be sandwiched between two things it would have to be a log cabin and a can of crisco...WHY? Well, these are two things I require for pure happiness.
TMC: Who are you dying to fuck?
JRW: "I'm dying to fuck myself."
TMC: Send us out with your favorite quote...
JRW: "The only real constant in life is change."
huge f-in sale
where are my 4 inch heels at?!

jeffrey campbell ruffy heel. $110.
okay. something relevant to frank james
first off. lets preface this blog with an apology. frank james is sorry for not blogging relevant items. we just got super excited as new bloggers girl!
so lets talk clothes.
we're still trying to figure this thing out.
the "thing" being our obsession with LA MERDE jackets.
we're not sure.
frank james has a new jacket coming.
this is the back.
why would we show the front?
see you soon!
mystery object found in store

from whence it came we do not know. our immediate reaction was to claw out each-other's throats and, broken and bloodied, hold the glowing object to to our jealous hearts while huddled in the corner of one of the dressing rooms. days stretched into weeks as we crouched transfixed, our dark master nourishing us and showing us a cruel world of pain and pleasure. anyways, if you dropped this in the store we can be reached at 503.239.3959 sunday/monday 12-6 tuesday-saturday 12-8.
oregon artificial limb co.
being the new kids on the block we figured it was time to get to know some of the other businesses in the area...
frank james gets to know our neighbors:
oregon artificial limb co.

located just around the corner from us, oregon artificial limb co. is our new favorite place to shop for wooden legs, false digits and everything prosthetic. whether you're an amputee or simply a false limb fetishist, this helpful mom and pop business is always happy to lend a hand.
members only
sneak it saturday
frank james is getting cray cray lately. so cray in fact that we decided to get some shoes up in this mess.

we are so so so pleased to announce that we will now be stocking jeffrey campbell mens shoes! this hot canvas booty and a leather number as well. uh oh!
How to Loose a Customer in One Dressing Room
wow. here at Frank James we are rarely shocked, however today we stumbled upon something that blew our minds. Fellow shoppers, retailers, or friends reading, prepare yourselves for this. we like to think of this concept as "How to loose a customer in one Dressing Room".
"To protect the retail stores' investment in apparel and the customer's make-up. Protect garments from being soiled so they will not be "marked out of stock". (MOS) Stops the transfer of make-up to garments and keeps customer's hair and make-up in place. Prevents earrings from snagging the garment" To Purchase: www.vaaardvark.com
this just in...FLOCK
FRANK JAMES is proud to be stocking FLOCK by Melody Geer.

you know when people are like.."omg i have a line, you should totally take a look!" then they bring in some hand made piece of shit that looks like a craft project at the old folks home.
well that didn't happen when we saw FLOCK.

hand made with organic cotton and bamboo these are simply amazing with flair coming out of every single button
come and get your FLOCK hoody @ FRANK JAMES
well that didn't happen when we saw FLOCK.

hand made with organic cotton and bamboo these are simply amazing with flair coming out of every single button
come and get your FLOCK hoody @ FRANK JAMES
Level Jeans for Men
okay boys, come and get some new jeans
whether it be straight, relaxed, boot or skinny...we got you covered.
All Hail Jeffrey Campbell!
Jeffrey Campbell has arrived at Frank James!
this classic boot is a wardrobe staple.
wear it over jeans, over tights, with a dress, with your new fall trench....WITH ANY AND EVERYTHING!
jeffrey campbell caress boot in grey::$220
while you're at it, check out jeffrey campbell online!
hype yourself up
faces of frank james
its october now. what do we do in october? we blog every single day. frank james thinks its time to meet everyone.

meet heather.
heather is the manager of the bellingham frank james.
heather likes to attack people with hugs, love, encouraging words and pinot noir.
meet vanessa.
vanessa works pt at the bellingham frank james.
vanessa attends WWU...she has like six minors.
vanessa is really tall too.
meet maxwell (on the left)
maxwell works pt at bellingham frank as well.
maxwell is in a rap group.
maxwells rap group is called 'milltops finest'
meet victoria.
victoria owns half of frank james portland.
victoria puts the cray in cray cray.
if cornered, victoria will cut your face.
meet alison.
alison owns bellingham fj and half of pdx fj.
alison will one day serve 10-life.
buyer beware, alison tends to get nasty.
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